They also provide an easy way to meet other travelers, a great advantage if you are only backpacking. Visit hostel reservation sites such as Hostel World and Hostel Bookers to see where it goes. Of course it is not as comfortable or luxurious as taking a flight to the next country, but traveling by train and bus will save you a lot of money. Moreover, you can see much more of the landscape and get the chance to visit small towns that you would not have seen otherwise. Many programs will feed and host you in exchange for your time.
It is also important to try to integrate with the culture of the host country. Students should avoid wearing clothes that identify them as foreigners. Do not speak apartment deals in 77080 too loudly and use the mother tongue as often as possible. Constant card verification can make one appear lost, which in turn makes it more vulnerable to danger.
Talk to your university’s financial aid office or your study advisor abroad for information on potential scholarships and scholarships you may be applying for. There are national scholarships you can apply for, such as the Gilman Scholarship, which is available to all students in the United States. Towards the end of the first year, I decided that I wanted to study abroad during my sophomore spring semester. In the summer I found the program I wanted to do and did all the details about it. I went on and booked my flight and even set up an apartment I found on Airbnb.
Another way to avoid anxiety and panic on arrival is to have a plan to go from the airport to the property. It is important to have a small part of the mother tongue at hand in an emergency. Before leaving, the student must make an appointment with his doctor for a check-up.
Students must ensure that they have a photocopy of their passport, driver’s license, student card, health insurance cards and any travel tickets. It is a good idea to have multiple copies of government-issued identifications stored in a secure location or in a file with a designated trusted person. Leave a copy at parents / caregivers’ home so they can be faxed or emailed if backups are missing. Keeping money in a safe place is another important safety tip. Students should not be flashy with money because they can invite thieves and pickpockets to attack them.
You can also have your bank post a travel message on your account, so that your purchases are not accidentally classified as fraud. One of the main tips that a student studying abroad will receive is not to expect special treatment from people in their new country. Remember that you are a guest and you need to adapt your behavior to your way of life. If you are open to politeness and learning the new culture, you may find it exciting.
Buy an international student ID before you leave and show it wherever you go, at hostels, ticket desks, restaurants, museums, etc. You will be amazed at the number of discounts you get in Europe by only an I.D. So if you are with other travelers, you may want to join a day as a “family” to get reduced access to an attraction, view or event. Abroad, a student’s passport is one of the most important documents to protect you. It is important to have photocopies of important documents in case of theft or loss.