Tag: stock

  • “best” Applications For Stock Trading

    Stock trading applications are applications that can be downloaded to your mobile phone or tablet that allow you to trade shares and manage your wallet at any time. These applications can be for non-frequency investors or for those who act daily. Many of the large online brokerage houses offer robo consultancy services. It is one…

  • Basic Concepts Of The Stock Market

    Growth companies can be a good addition to their portfolio. When choosing investments, it is crucial that you look at a company’s finances. An indicator of a healthy company are the high cash reserves. A company with solid cash positions generally rewards its shareholders with high dividends, bonus shares and share purchase. Evaluate a company’s…

  • Guide For Beginners Of Stock Market Investments

    Unlike deposits with FDIC-insured banks and credit unions insured by NCUA, the money invested in securities is generally not insured by the federal government. Early last year, when I finally decided to invest some of the inactive money in my savings account, I turned to the stock market. I invested in companies I liked or…