Prolonged contact between fresh concrete and the surfaces of the skin, eyes and clothing can lead to quite serious burns, including third-degree burns. Seek immediate medical attention for deep burns or large affected areas of the skin. Immediately wash the mixtures of wet concrete, mortar, cement or cement from your skin. Rinse your eyes immediately after contact with clean water and seek medical attention immediately. Direct contact through clothing can be as serious as direct contact, so quickly rinse wet concrete, mortar, cement or cement mixtures from clothing. Seek medical attention immediately if you have persistent or serious discomfort.
To protect your skin and eyes, wear alkaline resistant gloves, long sleeves and long pants to keep your skin covered, waterproof boots and eye protection. It is good practice to store extra gloves and safety glasses on construction sites. Therefore, every specific worker around fresh concrete must take care of his skin. This means wearing protective clothing such as waterproof clothing, high boots, long pants and alkaline resistant gloves. Immediate medical care and emergency flushes should be used during contact. Good eye protection is essential when working with cement or concrete.
Mixing, pouring, cutting and drilling in concrete can be noisy and cause permanent hearing loss or ear damage to those around you. Employers must therefore provide adequate ear protection during demolition and construction, such as earplugs and soundproofing phones. Dust exposure from dry concrete mixtures can irritate the airways and cause various infections exposed aggregate concrete supplier and diseases. In the short term, inhaling concrete powder can irritate the nose and throat, making breathing difficult. Read on to learn more about essential safety measures that need to be taken seriously to ensure that you and your employees remain safe at work. Concrete work entails many dangers that are sometimes difficult to mitigate.
To mix the concrete you need a sturdy hoe and a large container. Do not forget to wear waterproof gloves and safety goggles to prevent burns to the cement skin in the mix. It is often necessary to lift and move various heavy objects in the workplace. Employees must use safe lifting techniques when moving these objects. If necessary, they should also know when it is best to work in pairs or equipment to move certain objects.
Make sure they have the time they need to do their job to avoid the risk of sloppy mistakes. Waterproof pads should be used between fresh concrete surfaces and knees, elbows, hands, etc., to protect the body during finishing operations. The eyes and skin that come into contact with fresh concrete should be rinsed well with clean water.
If you are using a vehicle, make sure it is in good condition with audible backup warning signals. If part of the wet mix is put in an employee’s boots or on the floor, it can cause the employee to slip and fall. In addition, the alkaline properties of wet cement can be corrosive.
When dry concrete makes contact with the skin, it can cause minor irritation when the skin is cracked. Those who have been exposed to silica dust, an important component of dry concrete, for a long time are at risk of developing silicosis or lung cancer. The tips below are to protect your head, back, skin and eyes. Contact with the skin can cause conditions ranging from moderate irritation to thickening or even tearing in the skin. If workers are exposed to silica dust for a long time, they also run the risk of developing silicosis and / or lung cancer. Construction machines and tools are a constant potential danger to pressure construction personnel.
Back problems due to overload are a common injury on the construction site. Keep your back straight, your knees bent and load close to your body while lifting to minimize tension. Never turn your body when you carry a load; turn your feet, not your spine.
Use soap and water to remove dust to prevent skin damage. To prevent cement powder from being taken, simply eat and drink in dust-free areas. OSHA requires companies to identify and provide safety data sheets on all chemicals to which workers in the workplace are exposed. Access to any safety data sheet must be available and easily accessible to all employees.
In the long run it always costs less to implement these programs. Wet concrete can irritate the skin and even cause chemical burns. Wear alkaline resistant gloves, long sleeve overalls and long pants, waterproof boots and eye protection. An employee who dips the concrete on his skin should wash it as soon as possible with cold, running water.