After the Kurukshetra war satta Yudhishthira went to see Bhishma. Bhisma was lying in arrow bed. Lord Krishna advised Yudihisthira to seek advise from Bhishma. He did so.
The dialogue between them is narrated in Anusasayan Parva of Mahabharata. Bhishma gives the Lord’s thousand names in Vishnu Sahasranama.
There are 108 verses in Vishnusajasranama. Each and every name has got its own hidden potentials.
Learned saints have prescribed certain names for curing certain ailments. They have also prescribed certain verses for recitation to fulfill one’s desired desire.
I am giving below one portion of the above details for the benefit of all.
Education: to gain knowledge
Vedo veda-vidha-vyango vedango veda-vit-kavih || Sloka 14
To cure stomach ache
Bhrajishnu rbhojanam bhokta sahishnu rajaga-dadijah | Sloka 16
For enthusiasm
Ateendriyo maha-mayo mahotsaho maha-balah || Sloka 18
To get shukshma buddhi
Maha-buddhir-maha-veeryo maha-shaktir-maha-dyuthih | Sloka 19
Eys sight improvement
Sahasra-moordha vishvatma saha-srakshah saha-srapat || Sloka 24
To gain great respect
Satkarta satkruta-sadhuh jahnur-narayano narah || Sloka 26
To fulfill one’s desires
Siddhar-thah siddha-sankalpah siddhida siddhi-sadhanah || Sloka 27
For Marriage
Kamaha-kama-krutkantah kamah kama-pradah prabhuh || Sloka 32
Great job
Vyava-sayo vyava-sthanah sams-thanah sthanado dhruvah | Sloka 42
To get over Fear of Deatth
Vaikunthah purushah pranah pranadah pranavah pruthuh | Sloka 44
To gain Wealth
Artho-nartho maha-kosho maha-bhogo maha-dhanah || Sloka 46
To have good mind (Buddhi)
Sarva-darshee nivru-tatma sarva-gno gnana muttamam || Sloka 48
To have Ananda (pleasure)
Anando nandano nandah satya-dharma trivi-kramah || Sloka 56
For Kshemam
Anivarthee nivru-ttatma samkshepta kshema-krutchhivah | Sloka 64
To get away from all Shoka (pain, difficulties)
Bhooshayo bhooshano bhooti vishoka shoka-nashanah || Sloka 67
To cure diseases
Poornah poorayita punyah punya-keerti rana-mayah || Sloka 73
For Liberation (Moksha)
Sadgati satkruti-satta sadbhooti satpa-rayanah | Sloka 75
Chhatru jayam (Victory over enemies)
Sulabha suvratah siddhah shatruji chhatru-tapanah | Sloka 88
To distance oneself from all accidents
Amoorti ranagho chintyo bhaya-krudbhaya-nashanah || Sloka 89
For Mangalam
Svastida svasti-krut svasti svastibhuk svasti-dakshinah || Sloka 96
To avoid bad dreams
Uttarano dushkrutiha punyo dussvapna nashanah | Sloka 99
For Papa nasam
Devakee nandana srashta kshiteeshah papa-nashanah || Sloka 106
It is desirable to chant the full thousand names regularly in the morning or evening hours so that all round properiety will be ensured.
From time immemorial, thousands and thousnads have benefitted by reciting this regularly. It is a regular practice in religious homes of Hindus.
Our sastras/ scriptures like Siddhisaram karma vibhaga samuchchayam etc have prescribed Vishnusahasranamam for pariharams ( to remove various illness/thoshas)
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